In English class we are spending 20 percent of our time designated to a specific project to feed a need. The goal of our 20 time project is to spread love and kindness. The world is in need of more generosity and encouragement. Kindness creates happiness and we want our community and the world to be happy. To do this successfully, we are going to create an app that is easy to use that will help others to be encouraged and to share kindness. It is going to include 5 different sections. The app will consist of: an introduction of why we created it and what the goal of the app is, examples of kindness of what people can actively do out in the world, reading of other kind and encouraging and be able to comment kind and encouraging words for others to read, and the last section will be their own profile. The sharing kindness tab will allow them to use words, pictures, or videos to bring joy and encouragement to others. To start off our project we researched what kindness really is. We came up with different ways that kindness exists in the world and how easily it can be spread. By researching, we also found that being kind is healthy in many ways. They also all connect to the concept of happiness through the ideas of emotion, personality, social, health and career.  Our next step is to create a pitch to introduce and promote our idea to others that are in our class.